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Connect Your Wearable Devices To The Reaction Club App
The Reaction Club app can receive step data from both Google Fit and Apple Health. By connecting your wearable device to Google Fit or Apple Health, your steps data will be synced automatically with the Reaction Club app.

The Step by Step Guide to Team Building
Building a strong team is the foundation of any successful business. But what exactly does

Top 5 Team Building Activities For Work
Building strong teams is the cornerstone of any organization’s success. Here are the top 5

How to create a workplace step challenge in few clicks
Workplace step challenges are a great way to get your employees moving and improve their overall health. Create a free challenge in just a few clicks
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Office Squat Challenge: The Ultimate Guide
inject some high-energy movement and friendly competition into your workday routine with the ultimate office

Teams Feature
We are continuously improving Reaction’s platform, adding the ability to view team statistics and send

Top 5 Employee Mental Health Apps in 2024
A healthy and supported workforce is more productive, engaged, and resilient, leading to better outcomes

Breathing’s Impact on Mental Health: The Science
Breathing exercises have been scientifically proven to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, fight depression, and improve

Top 5 Wellness Companies in 2024
The wellness industry is booming, with new companies popping up all the time. But which

How Phone Step Counters Work
Most smartphones today come equipped with built-in sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS technology,

Q1 2024 Employee Engagement & Wellbeing Plan Template
As we enter the new year, we’re happy to share a Q1 2024 Engagement &

Ideas for 2024 International Women’s Day at work
Inspiring ideas to celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8th) at work and create a more

How many breaks should we take at work, and what to do when we can’t
Taking breaks at work is important for your physical and mental health. It can help