Earn money providing experiences that connects & energises workforces

The Reaction marketplace

One place for all the services employees love

We believe the best way to make wellness programs a huge success is to combine tech & touch. The Reaction platform enables companies to manage all their workplace wellness services with ease.

As a service provider, Reaction will enable you to connect with companies and offer your workshop/lecture/session/service to their employees.

Once a deal is made you will receive a link that will connect you to the company’s app, where you can post your virtual or on-site activity.

Vendors using Reaction serve leading corporates worldwide

Easy to implement, manage and measure

Share your knowledge and experience easily

While you use the coach app, the employees of the company will access their program through a members app. As your event is open members will be able to register, set themself reminders and access the event.

Reaction is fully integrated with Zoom so if you create an online event you won’t need to worry about paying for a Zoom account, creating a meeting, or sending the recording to the company. It all happens automatically.

The company will be able to access the recording of the sessions, receive participation reports and pay your fees. All from the Reaction platform. So you can focus on delivering amazing experiences that connect & energise workforces

Do you want to grow your business?

we can do it together

The Reaction app presented in the Amdocs head office

Invite members to join Amdocs BeHealthy global app by Reaction

Click on this link from a mobile device or scan the QR with the phone's camera
