
How the Reaction Club App Rewards System Works

Unlocking Positive Workplace Behaviors: How the Reaction Club App Rewards System Works
Discover how the Reaction Club app's rewards system incentivizes positive workplace behavior through challenges, events, and activities. Learn about the cost (or lack thereof) for organizations, how the points system fluctuates, and how the app's continuous analysis ensures optimal engagement and connection

The Reaction Club app rewards system is designed to encourage positive workplace behavior among members. By participating in challenges, team events, and activities, as well as sharing experiences and supporting teammates, members can earn points which lead to ongoing long-term engagement and team bonding.

The rewards system also motivates engaged users to reach out to non-active members, thus reducing the need for a team leader to proactively engage members.

What would it cost my organization?

There is no additional cost to organizations as our premium plans come with a built-in budget for rewards, which is a percentage of the subscription size.

While some organizations may choose to add more budget to rewards to increase engagement and reduce the points required for rewards, it is not mandatory.

What happens when the rewards budget is exceeded?

As members redeem rewards and approach the budget limit, the points required for each reward increase, and conversely, if the budget is not used, the points required for a reward decrease. The system tries to maximize engagement based on the current performance.

How can members earn points?

The types of activities that result in engagement and connection between members are continuously analyzed and the points given for different activities are updated accordingly. To review how points were earned members can visit the Rewards tab, click on their points, and see a list of the activities they did and the points given for each activity. 

What happens when users attempt to misuse the points system to obtain rewards?

The system flags activities that do not appear to be genuine for review by our team. Points may be removed for activities that violate the terms and conditions, and users may be banned from using the platform for more serious violations such as spamming or posting inappropriate content.

Any other questions?

Please write us hello@reaction-club.com 

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